Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

It's crazy to think that this time next year I will have a 6 month old. We dream about her all the time. Even though we don't know the sex yet, I refer to Baby as her because we've both had a dream of a baby girl (and so has his mom!), and the Chinese calendar says we're having a girl, but we won't know for another few weeks. My father predicts a boy, along with a few friends. Brad prefers a boy and I a girl but when it comes down to it we will both be extremely happy with a beautiful healthy baby, no matter the gender.
This week has been wonderful. I've been going to bed much earlier than normal. I'm trying to take advantage of it as much as possible... I know months of sleepless nights will be upon us in just a blink of an eye. Oh sleep... Precious sleep. How I cherish and will miss you.
Oh and look at baby bump!!!! Have I grown since week 10, or what?! I didn't get a chance to do week 11 since time slipped by me and my belly really didn't seem to be growing any bigger. But boy did it grow since last week! Hello baby! :)
Brad is very tickled by my growing baby bump. I know he's going to be a great father. He tries to make sure I am eating well, never complains about getting me water at bedtime for my prenatals, talks to "Barnabus" before going to sleep, reads me a few chapters of our read together book (currently Catching Fire) at bedtime, sings to me, takes such good care of me... And there's so many other adorable and amazing qualities about him but if I say anymore I'd sound like I was bragging ;) I am a lucky lucky girl...


  1. Junelyn,
    I found your blog on pinterest and I absolutely love how you've involved your furbabies with your pregnancy announcement and updates! I have two labs (white and yellow) and I love them to the moon and back!! My huband and I are baby planning in the near future and I love your ideas!!

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for the compliment! Good luck to you and your husband. Pregnancy is an amazing experience. It's going to be crazy with two fur babies and a newborn but I'm sure the journey will be priceless.
