Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When to Announce??

So we were definitely pregnant. How soon should we tell people? We had a little bit of trouble keeping it in. All sources out there say wait until the second trimester, as the likelihood of miscarriage dramatically decreases. But I wanted to think positive and share the great news with all my friends and family.
It took only four weeks after we had a positive pregnancy test for us to start posting pictures on Facebook.
My babies, Annie and Marley were the ones to break the news. Week after week they will continue to update the progress of my growing belly and growing baby :)


  1. Congrats & Super cute that you are incorporating your Babies (Doggies) too! Where did you get those chalkboards?


  2. Thank you so much! I got them from the dollar deals section in Target. It was about $2.50 each and I think it's main purpose is for score keeping. I use the back side and attached yarn to the board.
